Academic performance and socioeconomic characteristics of graduate
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Higher education
academic performance.

How to Cite

Persoglia, L. M., Carella, L. F., & Solari, E. (2017). Academic performance and socioeconomic characteristics of graduate. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 28(54). Retrieved from


This paper analyzes some characteristics of graduates(cohort 2005) of the school of Economics of the National University of La Plata, Argentina, and its relationship with academic performance. The graduate perform is measured by duration of the studies, average score and number of failures in exams. These measures are then related with father education, average score in secondary school and type of secondary school.  Students whose parents have higher levels of education, those who attended secondary private school and those who obtained higher scores at secondary school are more represented in graduates than in entrants. 

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