This study is part of a multi-year educational research project. This stage of the research was exploratory-descriptive pre-experimental, using a single measurement and participant observation, semi-structured surveys, and Likert scale rating. Flipped classroom and game-based assessment were proposed as teaching and assessment devices for Technical English disciplinary content for university students. This intervention was carried out for two years in a virtual format during the pandemic and one year in a face-to-face setting with the return to classrooms, using a flipped classroom approach and gamified self-assessment questionnaires. Six theoretical videos were designed, which were watched prior to each class, followed by a multiple-choice questionnaire during the synchronous session. The questionnaires were created using the platforms Educaplay, Kahoot, and Quizizz. At the end of the experience, empirical information was collected regarding the platforms and the teaching and assessment devices.
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Copyright (c) 2025 María Florencia Becerra, Danisa Siomara Bastida, Carolina Chirino, Valerie France Gänswein, Alcides Juan Diego Caballero, Carolina Clerici