Teacher contribution in Collaborative Virtual Environments design for preschool education
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preschool education
collaborative virtual environment

How to Cite

Paniagua-Esquivel, C., Alfaro, R., & Fornaguera, J. (2016). Teacher contribution in Collaborative Virtual Environments design for preschool education. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(52). Retrieved from https://pcient.uner.edu.ar/index.php/cdyt/article/view/164


The use of technology has represented a change in several daily areas; like education. In preschool education case, technologic tools as computers insertion are proposed through the use of collaborative learning. Present research shows the result of the design of a collaborative game prototype, which supports collaboration among preschool children. Through focal groups, 21 teachers of two educative centers that specialize in preschool education in San José city in Costa Rica, participated as expert judgment and contributed in the scenario design, obstacles, music and textures of the game. These teachers also participated in workshops where three axes were developed: collaboration, technology and sociocognitive development. To validate aspects as esthetics and game dynamics, the game was evaluated by a group of children. As a result, the tool called “Sistema Solar” (Spanish for Solar System) was created: a virtual environment, where the contribution of three kids is necessary to reach final goal.  

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