The crisis of the union model. Projects to amend the Trade Union Law
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Union model - projects of law - law of union associations- union uniqueness

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Ventrici, P. (2016). The crisis of the union model. Projects to amend the Trade Union Law. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(52). Retrieved from


In the last years the unionism experienced a paradoxical process: at the same time as his position of force fortified from the reconstruction of the labor market, it suffered a process of strong internal fragmentation.  The union recomposition also meant the emergence of political conflicts within the unions to return to place the debate on the union model in the center of the scene. This dispute had its institutional translation in different flat, central in the judicial one and the legislative one. In response to this latter dimension, in this work we carried out an analysis of all bills introduced in the House of Representatives to amend the Trade Union Law between November 2008 and November 2014, seeking to identify the hard core of the debate on the practice of association and analyze the different diagnoses and consequent strategies proposed by the various political forces.
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