Inclusion in rural and hospital educational settings: a reflection from the perspective of recognition

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Sergio Andrés Manco Rueda
Nadia Milena Henao García
Mayerly Llanos Redondo
Dayro León Quintero López


The purpose of the article is to problematize educational inclusion from the perspective of recognition based on the experiences reported by girls, boys, teachers and caregivers about the educational actioning in hospital and rural school settings. To this end, educational inclusion is assumed as a pedagogical and political commitment that is woven from the ways in which the actors relate affectively and emotionally in these educational spaces and times. Thus, the article begins with a brief theoretical dissertation that interweaves the relationships between educational inclusion and the perspective of recognition as hinged elements. Subsequently, a critical interpretation of the actors' stories that reveal the struggles for recognition as practices of inclusion that contrast with the experiences of contempt as practices of exclusion in hospital educational settings and rural schooling is carried out. And finally, by way of open ending, some conclusions are raised that invite us to continue thinking, in the framework of rural and hospital pedagogy, about educational inclusion based on the symbolic dimension of the affective and emotional relationships configured between the actors as an act of justice supported by feelings of self-confidence, self-respect and self-esteem.


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How to Cite
Manco Rueda, S. A. ., Henao García, N. M. ., Llanos Redondo, M., & Quintero López, D. L. . (2024). Inclusion in rural and hospital educational settings: a reflection from the perspective of recognition. El Cardo, (20), 1–14.


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