Dilemmas and paradoxes of an “inclusive school” in a complex migration context

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Angela Stienen
Yólida Yajasiel Ramírez Osorio
Juan Camilo Estrada Chauta


This article presents the preliminary findings of a research study on inclusive education in the context of international migration in Colombia. The study is conducted at the Héctor Abad Gómez School in Medellín, a public institution that has faced the challenge of including Venezuelan migrant students within a framework of inclusive education and a rights-based approach. The research employs an interpretative methodology and relies on grounded theory, including participant observation, narrative interviews, and analysis of institutional documents. Based on a preliminary review of the material produced during fieldwork, dilemmas and paradoxes arising within the context of an "inclusive school" are identified based on observed practices and representations revealed in interviews. Thus, the article addresses the legal framework supporting the inclusion of students from Venezuela in the Colombian education system and presents the model of an "inclusive school" at the selected institution. Finally, it proposes provisional conclusions to contribute to the overall objective of the ongoing research.


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How to Cite
Stienen, A., Ramírez Osorio, Y. Y., & Estrada Chauta, J. C. (2024). Dilemmas and paradoxes of an “inclusive school” in a complex migration context . El Cardo, (20), 1–28. https://doi.org/10.33255/18511562/1768


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