Far beyond emotional regulation: the teacher's role in building affective cultures for social justice.

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Juan Felipe Aramburo Rodríguez


In recent decades, the affective turn has sparked a renewed interest in the role of emotions and affects in social life. The school sector is beginning to think about its work in this same sense. As this field of study is still under construction, many questions arise when understanding the school as a scenario for thinking about social justice from an affective perspective. This text attempts to cross some of the questions of the school, teachers and teachers about the emotional, recognizing the contributions of several authors and, above all, making it possible to install new questions. For this, some ideas are proposed distributed in four sections. In the first place, this paper reflect on the social purposes of the school, especially the possibility of building spaces for connection with others. The second section some ideas about the affective and emotional as part of the production of the affective turn. The third section discusses the relationship between curricular justice and affective justice, arguing that both are essential for creating a just and equitable education system.  Finally, the privileged role of teachers and teachers in the construction of a school that promotes public love and the primordial right to care for ourselves collectively is made visible and reinforced.


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How to Cite
Aramburo Rodríguez, J. F. (2024). Far beyond emotional regulation: : the teacher’s role in building affective cultures for social justice. El Cardo, (20), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.33255/18511562/1731


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