Reading, writing and academic achievemente in the first year of university
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academic achievements
college beginners

How to Cite

Clerici, C., Monteverde, A. C., & Fernandez, A. (2015). Reading, writing and academic achievemente in the first year of university. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(50), 35–70. Retrieved from


The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between abilities and difficulties to read and write and academic achievement of students who entered the Facultad de Bromatología (School of Bromatology), Universidad Nacional de Entre Rios (Argentina) in 2012. Abilities to read and write were tested; students’ marks in exams were collected. The results of the test were compared to academic achievement. The conclusions of the study may shed light on the determiners of success and academic achievement in the first year at university and contribute to a better introduction to university life. The need to improve teaching practices, in all levels of education and all disciplines, makes it necessary to reflect on the ways of teaching reading and writing.


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