The mediating role of school supervision in the implementation of academic regulations at the secondary level

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Patricia Malena Delgado


The article recovers the perspective of school supervision regarding the academic regulations that were produced in the context of the pandemic to accompany school trajectories in secondary school. Empirical data from interviews with a group of supervisors working in different educational regions of the province of Chaco are examined, in order to recognize the meanings about inclusion present
in their discourses, and derived from them, the interpretations about the content of the academic regulations, and the way they are translated into the accompaniment of principals who must implement them in schools.
Among the main findings, we highlight the agreement of the supervisors on the meanings attributed to inclusion and the accompaniment of school trajectories, from a perspective that promotes the development of innovative pedagogical practices, adapted to the interests and needs of the students, and the construction of personal relationships that allow a better monitoring of their trajectories.
Beyond this agreement, supervisors express different positions regarding the pedagogical proposals included in the regulations, based on their own educational and work experiences, and their readings on the possibilities and limits of their implementation in schools. From these positions, they decide how to accompany school principals through the exercise of the functions that constitute their work. In general, accompaniment of principals is considered in terms of a horizontal relationship between
colleagues, where counseling and training functions predominate. With the notion of accompanying school trajectories, it shares the emphasis on emotional components such as motivation, desire and individual commitment, considered key for school work, both for teaching and learning, regardless of the organizational, administrative and labor conditions that organize the school experience.


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How to Cite
Delgado, P. M. (2024). The mediating role of school supervision in the implementation of academic regulations at the secondary level. El Cardo, (20), 1–15.
Dosier Educación Secundaria


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