Photosensitive Traces. Reflections on the Experience of the Discussion Meetings of the Project «Imágenes Presentes»

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Wanda Balbé
Gabriel Margiotta


In this article we reflect on the process of designing and developing the discussion meetings entitled «Imagen y Memoria. Fotografía, cine y artes visuales en las disputas en torno a la representación del pasado» within our project «Imágenes Presentes». With a background in anthropology and photography, we draw up the meetings in order to intersect these fields of know-how, discuss in non-academic spaces about the uses, production and circulation of images in everyday life, and highlight the importance of images in memory construction processes.

Aiming at debating issues theoretically researched by the human and social studies from a plurality of points of view, we put into practice a pedagogical device that consisted of addressing these issues horizontally and collectively from the viewing of images (photographs, films, aesthetic interventions- politics, visual and performative works). We were interested in analyzing some of the experiences in the different educational instances and recovering our own productions and those of the participants of the meetings to think how working with and from images allows us a common support for sharing previous knowledges, trajectories and memories enabling the possibility to imagining collectively reflective and creative practices around traumatic events, violence, demands for truth and justice and fighting processes linked to human rights.

Considering this proposal as a critical device of visibility, we suggest that those meetings become emotional experiences of mutual affection that build an «ephemeral collective» and a temporary state of communitas that encourages new practices of production and circulation of knowledge and defies instituted regimes of visibility allowing another kind of attention, examination and sensitivity to images.


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Balbé, W., & Margiotta, G. (2022). Photosensitive Traces.: Reflections on the Experience of the Discussion Meetings of the Project «Imágenes Presentes». Del Prudente Saber, (15), 77–100.


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