Images and narrative: analyzing a pedagogical space with homeless girls and boys
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education through art
homeless children
learning in interaction

How to Cite

Miano, M. A., & Heras Monner Sans, A. I. (2015). Images and narrative: analyzing a pedagogical space with homeless girls and boys. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(50), 161–187. Retrieved from


The learning process that took place during an educational project with homeless children whose purpose was to provide tools to access literacy through the arts (visual art, music, drama, oral narrative) is here analyzed. Our analytical perspective was framed by the concept of learning in interaction. We interpret children´s production of narratives as a complex interweaving of resources which become available in interaction (with others, with texts, and with the arts) and provide opportunities and challenges for literacy learning processes, in particular learning how to narrate. We end by highlighting recommendations for other groups who may want to conduct similar educational projects.

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