Challenges of teacher training on nutrition
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health education
qualitative research

How to Cite

Cardoso, C. G. L. do V., Costa, N. M. da S. C., & Moraes, B. A. (2016). Challenges of teacher training on nutrition. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(53). Retrieved from


This study aimed to investigate pedagogical training, the ease and difficulty of teaching, and the reasons for choosing the career course of Nutrition education at a federal institution of higher education. This is a descriptive and exploratory qualitative study involving 11 teachers with a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, analyzed by simple descriptive statistics and content analysis respectively. Most teachers had no pedagogical training, the reasons that led to the choice of profession were the influence of family and other role models, the job, and financial need. Teaching was facilitated through content mastery, ability to speak in public, reception of colleagues, and affinity for teaching, and difficulties were initial insecurity, relating to students and colleagues, lack of infrastructure, and formal pedagogical training. The study demonstrates the need for teacher development opportunities in health education.

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