An university experience about e-learning in covid-19 times: wishes, expectations and what is lost

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Gretel Schneider


From a university classroom situation, which we bring to the analysis as an ethnographic fact, we will address a problematization of the ways in which we are learning and teaching in university teaching in the context of Aislamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio (ASPO) and Distanciamiento Social Preventivo y Obligatorio (DiSPO). From the experience of a student in relation to distance education and that -being part of the collective experience (or of some groups) in educational spaces- we will delve into discussions about mediations, the place of desires, expectations and other projections of students, as well as the scope of the issue in terms of the right to education.


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How to Cite
Schneider, G. (2021). An university experience about e-learning in covid-19 times: wishes, expectations and what is lost. El Cardo, (17), 96–104.
Temática: La Educación Superior y los retos pedagógicos


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