Teacher trainees’ writing: about Language Arts teaching
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writing practice
teaching practices
teacher training in Language Arts teaching

How to Cite

Tapia, S. M. (2020). Teacher trainees’ writing: about Language Arts teaching. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 31(60 may-oct), 188–207. https://doi.org/10.33255/3160/576


This paper describes writing assignments carried out by teacher trainees during the course on Teaching Planning and Practices of the Language Arts Teachers’ Training Cycle at the Universidad Nacional de Río Negro. The texts document decisions regarding field observations and recording, the planning of sequences, methods of teaching practice analysis, ways of reflection on teacher work. The systematization of practices, their registration and analysis enable the recognition of a fabric of meanings negotiated in daily online interactions, shared in a virtual class where multiple education system scenarios converge. The texts analysis reveals a common problem: the difficulty in the conceptual and methodological articulation of the intended learning objects presented in a fragmented manner in current curriculum designs which draw up the language education policy of the secondary school level in Argentina.

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