The ideological-pedagogical aspects of the project “Secondary Institute C. C. Vigil” (1970-1977)
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political-educational project
ideological-pedagogical aspects
the “popular”-

How to Cite

Prados, M. L. (2017). The ideological-pedagogical aspects of the project “Secondary Institute C. C. Vigil” (1970-1977). Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 28(54). Retrieved from


In this paper we analyze the ideological-pedagogical aspects of the political-educational proyect “Secondary Institute C. C. Vigil”. That proyect was a part of the institutional complex of the Library Constancio C. Vigil (1959-1977), emblematic entity of the city that developed a cultural, social, educational and mutual project in the Tablada neighborhood. It was a victim of state terrorism, and specifically of the “procesista” education policy (Kaufmann, 2006) deployed during the last civic-military dictatorship (1976-1983), suffering a military intervention in 1977 that ended his labor.
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