An analysis of the systemic and selective nature of the Argentine Sectorial Fund´s instruments through the policy mix approach
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Selective Technology Policy
Systemic Failures
Policy Mix
Structural Change

How to Cite

Cúneo, D. M. (2022). An analysis of the systemic and selective nature of the Argentine Sectorial Fund´s instruments through the policy mix approach. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 33(66 (set-dic).


The following article studies the systemic and selective nature of the Argentine Sectorial Fund (FONARSEC) through an analysis of the operating modalities of its main instruments, the Sectorial Funds. Through the theoretical approch of policy mix, it is argued that these instruments, despite their selective approach, use a transversal design that prevents their actions from adapting to the particular characteristics of the selected technological trajectories. Furthermore, by operating in isolation from other spheres of public policy, the solutions offered by these instruments may be insufficient to resolve complex systemic failures. Through a comparative case study, it was corroborated that the use of individual and transversal instruments created inconsistencies in the results of the implemented policy and limited the selective and systemic scope of the FONARSEC.  It is concluded that the use of complementary instruments tailored to each strategic trajectory could be a more effective way to promote national development.
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