Epistemology and gender in a latin american coding: historiographical critics from a situated research perspective

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Hernan Videla


This paper exposes some theoretical contributions that were arrived at after a qualitative methodological design of the critical implementation of a educational research in a specific context of teacher training. From the area that integrates the general training of future teachers, the main results of this humanistic, pedagogical and historiographical study emerged. It is framed, within the didactic roles of its teacher-researcher, as part of the evaluation processes carried out during the first semester of 2020, in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic in a higher education of a labor- union institute with a long pedagogical and guild history, in a jurisdiction of Cuyo, in the center-west of Argentina. It is mainly intended to underline from the case study. the socially constructed epistemological contributions on some Latin American problems of gender historiography in the academic field described


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How to Cite
Videla, H. (2022). Epistemology and gender in a latin american coding: historiographical critics from a situated research perspective. El Cardo, (18), 100–111. https://doi.org/10.33255/18511562/1297
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