Education and virtuality, a possible approach

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Lucrecia Cerini
Paola Barzola
Mariana Churruarín
Analía Rígoli
Luján Hormaiztegui
María Esperanza  Martínez


During 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the concrete existence conditions and everyday life of people all around the world. The whole world confronted an unprecedented and unthinkable phenomenon so far. University education was forced to set up new teaching methods: virtual learning environments.

Specifically, Supervised Professional Practices (internships) curricular spaces, were challenged to think of on field practices, something usually considered in a face-to-face way, in new and different ways, pushing the boundaries of what was established until then.

We are a team of teachers in charge of one of the Supervised Professional Practices (internships), that is part of the 5th year in the Psychology. This paper will try to describe the process of transforming the on field practices into virtual learning environments. We will show the complexity that demanded thinking this practice from the possibile point of view, regardless of the social context of this time.


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How to Cite
Cerini, L. ., Barzola, P. ., Churruarín, M. ., Rígoli, A., Hormaiztegui, L. ., &  Martínez, M. E. (2021). Education and virtuality, a possible approach. El Cardo, (17), 123–136.
Temática: La Educación Superior y los retos pedagógicos


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