Pragmatic, docile, questioning: the question by the agency in users of ARTs
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Assisted reproduction

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Johnson, M. C. (2020). Pragmatic, docile, questioning: the question by the agency in users of ARTs. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 31(61 nov-mar).


This paper explores how women users of reproductive technology in Argentina build agency at different forms along their reproductive itineraries. Reproductive technologies are part of the processes of control and increasing medicalization on reproduction and sexuality, although paradoxically this same biomedical device is presented in our society as the simplest possibility for women to access motherhood. This tension that some academic sectors warn about reproductive technology is expressed in the experiences of users in different forms of agency, which amplifies the idea of agency as resistance to biomedicine. From a biographical approach, user experiences are analyzed, and various categories are proposed from the research work to understand the complexity of the users' reproductive agency.
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