Case method as a teaching strategy to develop critical thinking in students of tourism
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case method
critical thinking

How to Cite

Montiel Galindo, M. A., Charles Estrada, D. G., & Olivares, S. L. (2018). Case method as a teaching strategy to develop critical thinking in students of tourism. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 29(57 nov-abr), 88–110.


The development of critical thinking in students is fundamental for them to develop in the workplace. The objective of this research was to identify the contribution of the case method strategy on the development of critical thinking for higher education tourism students. In order to achieve this, there was applied a mixed method approach with embedded and transactional design. The instruments were the critical thinking section of the Individual Generic Skills Test (Olivares and Wong, 2013) and an observation rubric across intervention process. An actual case was chosen to measure interpretation, analysis and evaluation skills. The population of this study was 20 students. The triangulation data analysis was performed to conclude that the case method does develop critical thinking especially on interpretation and analysis.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Martha Angélica Montiel Galindo, Deyra Guadalupe Charles Estrada, Silvia Lizett Olivares


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