Vol. 30 No. 59 nov-abr (2019)

Humanities and Social Science - Research

Fernando Svampa, Diego Aguiar
Research councils and the tension between bureaucratic and academic cultures. The CONICET between 1983-1989
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Nerina Fernanda Sarthou
Trends in science evaluation in Argentina: gender, federalization and strategic topics
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María Paula Senejko, Mariana Versino
The Projects of Technological and Social Development in the University of Buenos Aires
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Jorge Andrés Echeverry-Mejía, Antonela Isoglio
Research and innovation oriented: where to direct efforts?
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Maria Evangelina Narvaja
Sexting: perceptions among students in Tucumán about motivations and risks
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Jacqueline Elizabet Moreno, Analía Chiecher, Paola Paoloni
University students and their academic goals. Implications in the achievement and delays of the studies
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Eduardo Rodriguez Zidán, Javier Grilli Silva
B-learning in the blended and face-to-face courses of the initial training of science teachers in Uruguay
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Laura Graciela Rodríguez
One hundred years of normalismo in Argentina (1870-1970). Notes on a bureaucracy aimed at teacher training
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Nicolás Pérez Trento
Recent global transformations in seed production and its impact on the seed saving conflict in Argentina
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