Social representations of technology, its teaching and learning in secondary school
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social representations
secondary school students

How to Cite

Mazzitelli, C. A., & Quiroga, D. P. (2015). Social representations of technology, its teaching and learning in secondary school. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(50), 71–88. Retrieved from


As part of a general study on teachers and students of Technology from the approach of Social Representations (SR), making an initial focus on the difficulties related to teaching and learning that discipline, we offered a space for reflection on this topic for teachers of secondary schools and carried out a series of activities, among them an inquiry about the SR of their students. In this paper, we present the results from the analysis of Technology SR –identified in the students-, teaching and learning, done by implementation of two Likert scales and a technique of evocation and hierarchy. The results obtained have allowed us to identify the students’ SR and to try to infer a relationship with teaching practices. The need for teachers to know their students’ SR in order to optimize their educational practice seems evident.

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