Is there ski without real estate? Analysis of an environmental controversy
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environmental controversy
risk perception
nature perception
social movements
resistance to technology

How to Cite

Llosa, C., & Aguiar, D. (2016). Is there ski without real estate? Analysis of an environmental controversy. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 27(52). Retrieved from


This article shows the main results from the analysis of an environmental controversy in El Bolsón, Río Negro, Argentina. Since a general theory to analyze environmental controversies still does not exist, different theories were triangulated within the framework from the field of science, technology and society was used. The company in charge of the ski-lifts concession, asserts that the ski-lift maintenance is not economically feasible unless it includes a real estate business. So, it has proposed a residential development considered sustainable by the company and a sector of the population. However, its scale and the technologies involved, have produced resistance in another part of the population, which does not consider it sustainable. The practices and representations of the parts involved were investigated, in the construction of the controversy and in their change process, through the analysis of their written sources and in-depth interviews to key informants, adopting the case study strategy. 

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