A feminist reading of the articulation between neoliberal rationality and the production of subjectivities in popular sectors of the city of Paraná

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Carina Messina
María Florencia Kneeteman
Gabriel Emiliano Atelman


This article builds upon findings from the Research Project of the Faculty of Social Work (UNER) titled "Neoliberal Rationality and Production of Subjectivity in Popular Sectors of the City of Paraná. Discourses and practices unfolding in everyday life," which we conducted from early 2021 to early 2024. This project aimed to investigate the specific link between neoliberal rationality and subjective configuration in popular sectors of the Southeast and Northwest Zones of our city. The realization and analytical reading of interviews with key individuals in community spaces of Paraná enable us to assert that it is unavoidable to reconsider gender as a cross-cutting element and dimension that constitutes the production of subjectivities, highlighting articulations between neoliberalism, colonialism, and patriarchy in the production of relations of domination (Retamozo et al., 2020). The analysis of these interactions with experiences of politicization reveals issues surrounding: the appropriation of the work category, differentiated use of time, negotiation strategies, and dispute regarding living conditions, citizenship production, with centrality on the production-reproduction dichotomy as an operative contradiction. We also consider it important to situate these debates amidst the pandemic and the 2023 electoral campaign characterized by prevalent violent and hateful discourses, as historical moments that reactualize marks of oppression and inequality.


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How to Cite
Messina, C., Kneeteman, M. F. ., & Atelman, G. E. (2024). A feminist reading of the articulation between neoliberal rationality and the production of subjectivities in popular sectors of the city of Paraná. Utopías. Segunda época, (2), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.33255/26181800/1972


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