Inclusive education from a differential and gender approach: about gestures and “tacto pedagógico” in a migratory context
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This article analyzes, from a gender approach, the gestures and pedagogical tact that shape the inclusive practices of a school in Medellín, Colombia. To do so, we make a presentation of the school in question, the Héctor Abad Gómez Educational Institution, as well as the principles that guide its pedagogical practices. We analyze what this institution understands by inclusion, as well as the approaches and proposals that, from the Ministry of National Education, are made of this concept. We present the methodology that has allowed us to collect and analyze the information. Subsequently, we explore the notion of pedagogical tact and analyze, based on a gender approach, how this tact is materialized in certain gestures of care in this school. We conclude that this institution and its women educators make a genuine effort to adopt gestures of pedagogical tact and care in the context of a reality that violates the rights of those excluded from the privilege of the overarching socio-political system.. This article is the result of a research conducted in the framework of a cooperation between the Pedagogical University of Bern in Switzerland and the University of Antioquia in Colombia, which investigates the transformations adopted by the Héctor Abad Gómez Educational Institution for the inclusion of Venezuelan migrants and other identities that come to this school: indigenous population, forcibly displaced persons, Afro-descendant communities.
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