The combined scenarios of the year 2021: the school class in the multiverse of the secondary level
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During the second quarter of 2021, Argentina's secondary education was supported by an ecosystem of digital media and analog technologies, with students attending school alternately. This meant the division of the class group, while some students attended the classrooms face to face, others did it virtually. For both groups, learning proposals had to be designed that were respectful of their paths, and ensure teaching by combining the possibilities of offline face-to-face and online availability in schools. Each scenario is constituted as antagonistic to the other, with certain rules, action parameters that escape the same actors and different demands that encouraged the construction of alternative and multiple classes. The variability, uniqueness and didactic challenges are analyzed in this communication from the voices of secondary level teachers of technical and common schools in Argentina, recovered from interviews within the framework of the project "The Reconfiguration of Inequalities Linked to Argentine Secondary Education in a Pandemic/Post-Pandemic Situation" (PISAC - COVID-19). The analysis allows us to identify that, the overrequirement of teachers to attend didactically and pedagogically two groups of students in different conditions, allowed them a review of their classes, correction and recognition of the new forms that teaching assumed. However, although the theory can conclude that digital environments are rewarding, pleasant and enriching, teaching in these scenarios does not correspond under these sensations. The conditions and requirements of educability demanded by school institutions ended up stressing the real possibilities of teachers to sustain both journeys.
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