Optic chiasm: The place of images Assembly practices and forms of visual thinking in Xul Solar and Batlle Planas

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Agustín Bucari


The article raises the uses of technical images by artists, both in its pedagogical dimension and in its role in the face of visual production within its files. The circulation of images from printed culture, both books and magazines, postcards and other types of graphic materialities, have a substantial presence in the production fields of modern artists. Of course we do not refer to the unique case of collage, but the place of the images and their models, in particular those that are replicated in the expanded scope of culture and the new modern aesthetics - Biocentrism, aesthetics of the engineer, Gesamtkunstwerk, Gestalt- about the conquest of the mystery of nature (visible-invisible, internal-external), such as the new modern visualization techniques (electronic microscope, X-rays, among others) and reproduction of images (photography, photogravure, etc.)

Faced with this, two cases of Latin American artists are presented, in which technical images are bridges to converge artistic and scientific practices, in integrative projects between art, life and spirit. For this, the article will focus on the analysis of the assembly practices of the artists Xul Solar and Juan Batlle Planas, and satellitely of some of their works. With the objective of contrasting their forms of non -discursive visual thinking, the origin of its sources, the continuity in the topics selected in some of the books of their personal libraries, documents and writings, and thus, finally, giving general hypotheses of the matrix of this thought in his plastic works laying the foundations for a future comparative critical iconological analysis.


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Bucari, A. (2024). Optic chiasm: The place of images: Assembly practices and forms of visual thinking in Xul Solar and Batlle Planas. Del Prudente Saber, (19), e0027. https://doi.org/10.33255/26184141/1874e0027
Dosier «Ficciones especulativas: arte, ciencia, tecnología»


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