Application of clustering techniques for the socio-semiotic study of journalistic genres on Clarín and La Nación's fanpages

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Natalia Raimondo Anselmino
José Rostagno
Ana Laura Cardoso


This paper presents the findings obtained through the application of clustering techniques provided by text mining on a corpus of posts from the accounts that the Argentine newspapers Clarín and La Nación have on Facebook: @clarincom and @lanacion. It is an approach that, by way of trial, test the wealth of computational methods to accompany in combination the socio-semiotic study of the publications that the newspapers made in their respective fanpages between 2010 and 2017.
The proposed analysis was carried out on a set of posts classified as “Others” in the journalistic genre variable, which discriminates if the content to which the post forwards is news, a report, an opinion note, etc. Thus, it is intended to identify the existence, within said set, of groupings of publications with common characteristics —whether these are derived from thematic, rhetorical, enunciative or other regularities— not previously detected during conventional observation. All this within the framework of a larger, interdisciplinary investigation, aimed at producing knowledge about the way in which the investigated media enunciate on the Facebook platform and the peculiar type of link that they propose, there, to their users-readers- followers.
The results thus obtained have not only made it possible to advance in the characterization of possible new classes of texts, typical of the performance of the media discourse in the studied platform —which, from now on, could be added to the already recognized social predictability molds— but also to identify a flaw in the design of the instruments created, a priori, for the research in question.


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Raimondo Anselmino , N., Rostagno, J., & Cardoso, A. L. (2021). Application of clustering techniques for the socio-semiotic study of journalistic genres on Clarín and La Nación’s fanpages. Del Prudente Saber, (14), 77–103.


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