Postgraduate teaching of the Analysis of Chemical Processes and its curricular integration with the TIC
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chemical process analysis
postgraduate education

How to Cite

Guardado Yordi, E., Pérez Martínez, A., Crespo Zafra, L., & Matos Mosqueda, L. (2018). Postgraduate teaching of the Analysis of Chemical Processes and its curricular integration with the TIC. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 29(56 may-oct), 253–263. Retrieved from


Postgraduate training in chemical engineering directed to the analysis of chemical processes should allow the acquisition of skills to design new sustainable technological alternatives. In this paper we analyze the curricular design of the computer module of the master in process analysis of the chemical industry, as well as the impacts generated after the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). There are positive impacts on teaching in the management of bibliography, the management of new knowledge and the management of computational tools that facilitate modeling, optimization, simulation, design of technological flows. In the social order is contributed to the postgraduate training of chemical engineers and petrochemicals that will influence the development of the chemical industries of the region, demonstrating how the computational tools and the ICT allow the acquisition of skills related to the investigative work.

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