Mental health and protection institutions The future of youth in protection

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Estefanía Ronca Pita


This article is the result of a research that seeks to elucidate the effects that institutionalization processes have on the mental health of young people who underwent protective measures during their adolescence in shelter homes, in a twenty-four-hour care modality, in the city of Paysandú, Uruguay.

It’s so, based on a qualitative research methodology, it is problematized based on the dialogue at the intersection of three relevant sources: scientific and regulatory production, the narratives of young people and the institutional perspective from the discourse of the authorities.

Of the main results obtained, the following stand out the institutional gaps in the responses and support in the expenditures of the protection system, added to the fact that once they graduate, there are no other inter-institutional and/or community networks that sustain, accompany and strengthen the processes that young people must face at the age of eighteen; also elucidating that they are processes that exceed the moment of institutionalization, encompassing the singular and contextual situations prior to admission. It is so this research aims to problematize the living conditions of young people as a consequence of these previous processes, once they reach the age of majority.


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Ronca Pita, E. . (2024). Mental health and protection institutions: The future of youth in protection. Utopías. Segunda época, (1), 1–23.


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