Becoming teachers at secondary school today Explorations through the notion of truthful saying by Michel Foucault

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María Virginia Luna


This article introduces the results of a research project carried out at the Universidad Nacional de Rafaela (Santa Fe, Argentina) between 2020 and early 2023. The research, qualitative exploratory, looked into the challenges faced by the process of universalization at secondary school at two state schools recently founded in the area where the university is located. The study focussed on two investigation lines organised along the categories school productions and teacher subjectivation practice. By means of the first one, the aim was to explore dynamics of institutional creation where each school took over the request for universalization of the secondary school level in a particular way, considering a fact that was inexistent when the project was formulated: pandemics. The second one allows to track manners of develpment and recognition of teaching inside such dynamics. 

In this opportunity, the interest is to expose some findings referred to how schoolheads and teachers recognise, and recognise themselves in, the daily work forged in certain conditions to which the sanitary situation was added. We refer to conditions created by schools peculiarities, their labour prospects, their foundation social need, student population characteristics, their urban location and curricular profiles they offer. In this approach analyticals of the forms of subjectivation exposed by Foucault in the latest courses at Collège de France were central. This theoretical and methodological option demanded us to go further than the initial concern for the contemporary teaching subject to notice the types of relationtionships in which teachers are forming and recognising themselves in the school scenarios studied. By means of the notion of truthful saying, coined by the autor, features, forms and effects of subjectivation are described, which permeate the teaching experiencies analysed.



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How to Cite
Luna, M. V. (2024). Becoming teachers at secondary school today: Explorations through the notion of truthful saying by Michel Foucault . El Cardo, (20), 1–18.
Dosier Educación Secundaria


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