Fat and Mud: Cosmopolitical Art(i)-Facts-Effects of Food, Memories and Shelters

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Celeste Medrano
Kekena Corvalán


Based on the artistic practices developed in Argentina by the collectives Viento Negro (Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Patagonia Austral) and Caudillas del Barro (Victoria, Entre Ríos, Litoral del Río Paraná), we will reflect on the fat and mud —which these same collectives summon— as cosmopolitical art(i)-facts-effects, materialities in flight from modern binomials; trans-species-things assemblages.

Fat and mud, and the practices they involve, will in turn be constellated from the mechera epistemology (one that flees from academic capture, an undisciplined one). If the mecheras are women who collect food and clothing for collective survival in times of economic and social crisis; The mecheras of contemporary arts (and their epistemology) displace the materials and languages, the corporalities that define the artistic object towards aesthetic-political disputes, creating possibilities of joint existence.

This reflexive proposal will be analyzed by seeking artifacts/effects of food, memories and shelters, in order to update the ways of producing knowledge and community, reaffirming vitalities.


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How to Cite
Medrano, C., & Corvalán, K. (2024). Fat and Mud: Cosmopolitical Art(i)-Facts-Effects of Food, Memories and Shelters. Del Prudente Saber Y El máximo Posible De Sabor, (20), e0035. https://doi.org/10.33255/26184141/2005e0035


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