40000 years or Bioart The living condition in art practices

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Susana Pérez Tort


This work proposes Bioart as a movement that has allowed the redefinition of the status of life and as a practice that is possible in the interdisciplinary of art, biology, and technology, integrated into posthuman ontology. It proposes Prehistoric Art as a precedent of Bioart, also relating ontological issues between Bioart and other art movements. It develops ontological issues concerning
moist-media Bioart, with the inclusion of semi-living or living beings. It concludes that Bioart is not a stile among others in contemporary art, but a way of being of art that projects and acts on the redefinition of life.


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Pérez Tort, S. (2024). 40000 years or Bioart: The living condition in art practices. Del Prudente Saber, (19), e0031. https://doi.org/10.33255/26184141/1766e0031
Dosier «Ficciones especulativas: arte, ciencia, tecnología»


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