Asymmetries in the Implementation of the Knowledge Economy Promotion Regime in the Audiovisual Sector. A Case Study in the Province of Córdoba (Argentina)

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Daniela Monje
Victoria Batiston
Ezequiel Rivero


We propose to reflect on the impact of the Law for the Promotion of the Knowledge Economy Regime (ke) N. ° 27570 on the audiovisual industry of the Province of Córdoba, focusing on the study of the situation of the non-profit sector and small independent production companies. This regulation unfolds a set of new issues on the scope of infocommunication policies in the convergent context, focusing on the production and circulation of goods and services.

 In empirical terms, our study recovers the perspectives of workers in the audiovisual sector as well as those of the public officials who promote the law and/or who are part of the official spaces of debate.

From a theoretical approach framed in technological transformations and the role of the state in the planning of public policies, the research aims to constitute a precedent in studies on the participation of the audiovisual industry in an economy of knowledge and culture, as that it is currently an emerging field of study in Argentina.


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How to Cite
Daniela Inés, M., Batiston, V., & Rivero, E. (2023). Asymmetries in the Implementation of the Knowledge Economy Promotion Regime in the Audiovisual Sector. : A Case Study in the Province of Córdoba (Argentina). Del Prudente Saber Y El máximo Posible De Sabor, (17), e0006.
Author Biographies

Daniela Monje, Universidad Nacional de Villa María

Victoria Batiston, Universidad Nacional de Rafaela

Ezequiel Rivero, Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Argentina


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