Identity Processes: Analysis of Questionnaires for Theater Teachers

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Martha Judit Goñi


This article is part of the doctoral thesis of the author (supervised by Cristina Erausquin, MA): “Beginner Teachers. Experiences and Learning in the Construction of Identities”. It aims at identifying, describing and analyzing the experiences and learning that characterize the construction of identities of beginner theater teachers who graduated from the Faculty of Art of the National University of the Center of the Province of Buenos Aires. The sample consists of graduates from 2015 to 2019 (last years before starting the thesis work in 2020 were selected).

In this stage, questionnaires administered in the year 2021 were systematized. The objective of the questionnaires was to initiate contact with the graduates who achieved the degree of Teacher of Dramatic Games (first intermediate degree to become a Theater Teacher, both qualifying to work as a teacher in the Educational System).

The subject is approached from a socio-historical-cultural perspective, considering the beginning of teaching as a complex object. It is a very particular stage since real teaching situations are faced, for the first time, without the orientation of guiding teachers. Recently graduated teachers are no longer students and have acquired "freedom" or "independence", as each one will choose how to practice the profession with "professional autonomy".

Situations which are considered to intervene in the constitution of identities will be analyzed. Those situations, which imply a dialogue between the inter and intra psychological and between situational and historical dimensions, are related to disciplinary cultures, school communities, teacher’s training and life trajectories.  

The experiences of the teachers are questioned from the social-historical-cultural perspective, articulating an interdisciplinary analysis, between the psycho-social-educational focus and the pedagogical action and conception related to school settings.


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How to Cite
Goñi, M. J. (2023). Identity Processes: Analysis of Questionnaires for Theater Teachers. Del Prudente Saber Y El máximo Posible De Sabor, (17), e0001.
Author Biography

Martha Judit Goñi, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina


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