Teaching Experiences in Socio-Anthropological Research. Transmissions and Appropriations between Uncertainties and Challenges in the Context of a Pandemic

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Bachelor of Anthropology
PhD in agrarian social studies


In this article we propose to share an exploration around teaching experiences in socio-
anthropological research. These have been carried out by our teaching team, during the COVID-19
pandemic, in one of the theoretical-methodological subjects of the Anthropology career of a
National University of Rosario.
Between March 2020 and December 2021 took place a period characterized by the lockdown
and the social distancing measures. In that context of planetary scale transformations of social
daily life, our teaching practice was moved by changes in various aspects.
In order to analyze that process, we focused on various documents prepared by the teaching
team: observations and notes recorded during classes, documents prepared for the organization of
the course, notes from professorship meetings and meetings among teachers of methodological
subjects, as well as emails containing resolutions from the university and national decrees. 
Starting from interpreting this material support from a theoretical perspective based on the
relational anthropological approach of socio-educational processes, we have preliminarily
identified certain discussion points, which are exposed in this article, as well as questions that
derive from our concrete practice of teaching, to investigate in this context.


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How to Cite
Nemcovsky, M., Greca, V., & Espoturno, M. (2023). Teaching Experiences in Socio-Anthropological Research. : Transmissions and Appropriations between Uncertainties and Challenges in the Context of a Pandemic. Del Prudente Saber, (17), e0002. https://doi.org/10.33255/26184141/1398e0002
Author Biographies

PhD, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina



Bachelor of Anthropology, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina


PhD in agrarian social studies, Facultad de Humanidades y Artes, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina



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Sitios web visitados

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