Scientific writing as a tool for qualification in undergraduate student
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Scientific writing
Undergraduate student

How to Cite

Serrano Guzmán, M. F., Pérez Ruiz, D. D., Solarte Vanegas, N. C., & Torrado Gómez, L. M. (2018). Scientific writing as a tool for qualification in undergraduate student. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 29(56 may-oct), 208–223.


Scientific writing is the best way to transmit the knowledge acquired, generated or reproduced as a result in a research and when the scientific writing is part of the teaching-learning strategies, it also becomes a great evaluation tool. This article focuses on content presentation of a scientific writing workshop that was offered in graduate school and was adjusted to the undergraduate students. As a result, this study shown that after the workshop one hundred percent of the participants become familiar with the structure (components) of a scientific paper, but there are still deficiencies regarding syntax and consistency that must be improved.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2018 MARIA FERNANDA SERRANO GUZMAN, Diego Darío Pérez Ruiz, Norma Cristina Solarte Vanegas, Luz Marina Torrado Gómez


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