«Simondon enables us to think about what assemblages you can put together between human and non-human». Conversations with Darío Sandrone
accessibility, special education, ICT, technical knowledgeAbstract
We talked with Darío Sandrone, doctor of Philosophy by National University of Córdoba, researcher and professor. His knowledge about philosopher's Gilbert Simondon emphasizes the link between humans and techniques. Especially the connection among Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Accessibility in Education. The interview focuses on Simondon’s themes: humanism philosophical reflection about technique, Simondon’s education ideas and technique as a part of the human being.
PÉREZ DE LARA, N. (1998). La capacidad de ser sujetos. Barcelona: Laertes.
SIMONDON, G. (2017). Lugar de una iniciación técnica en una formación humana completa. En Sobre la técnica (pp. 201-227). Buenos Aires: Cactus.