The production of knowledge in Social Work. Challenges within the framework of the logic of the investigative process in the disciplinary training of the profession

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Erika Albornoz Raineri
Maria Celeste Schnyder


This article brings together reflections on the practice of research in the dis- ciplinary field of social work based on our teaching experience in the Integration and Final Work Seminar from the Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work at the National University of Santiago del Estero. We will seek to problematize the agenda of topics that are investigated within the framework of the subject based on questions that are worked on in the classroom such as: what do we investigate? Where and with whom do we investigate? What do we do it for? The research agenda analyzed throughout this work is an emergent of the topics that were proposed by the students to carry out their research for the final degree project between the years 2020 and 2024. Based on this, we proposed to recognize the particularities that the research practice acquires within the local disciplinary field, and to systematize part of the challenges that the consolidation of the discipline demands.


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How to Cite
Albornoz Raineri, E., & Schnyder, M. C. (2024). The production of knowledge in Social Work.: Challenges within the framework of the logic of the investigative process in the disciplinary training of the profession. Utopías. Segunda época, (2), 1–10.


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