Plan Ceibal: a tool that improves distance teaching and learning in Uruguay. Opportunities and challenges in the face of COVID-19

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Silvana Capano Romano


This article is linked to an investigation carried out by UNAM (México) with the participation of eighteen countries in relation to the educational impact in relation to COVID-19 from February 2020 to date.

On March 13, 2020, with only four confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Uruguay, the Presidency of the Republic decided to close all educational institutions in the national territory, trying to avoid the spread of the virus. This early measure forced the Ceibal educational platform, already in existence since 2007, dependent on the Ministry of Education and Culture, to move with agility to carry out remote work. In two months, access to the platform was multiplied by eleven, currently having 650000 users among teachers and primary and secondary school students.

The Plan Ceibal had already created a digital culture in our country that left us well positioned in the face of the outbreak of this new virus. Likewise, this platform created to support the country's educational plans was possible thanks to the fact that the state has made an investment of USD 600 million in fiber optics in the last decade. This has made it possible for the internet to reach 80% of Uruguayan homes with good speed and at an affordable price.

This emerging situation, however, forced closer ties between the authorities of the National Public Education Administration (ANEP) as an autonomous entity, and the Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC), generating instances of joint work that previously did not exist or were they nurtured disparate efforts, without a common strategy.

The objective of this research was to reveal the opportunities and challenges that the implementation of this platform represented for Uruguay. The technique used was conducting semi-structured interviews with ANEP directors and the president of Plan Ceibal, in order to discover lights and shadows of this unprecedented process for our country and the world.


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How to Cite
Capano Romano, S. (2021). Plan Ceibal: a tool that improves distance teaching and learning in Uruguay. Opportunities and challenges in the face of COVID-19. El Cardo, (17), 5–24.
Temática: La Educación Superior y los retos pedagógicos


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