Entrepreneurship and university education. Case: school of engineering
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Emprendedorismo - Innovación - Enseñanza universitaria - Educación - Clases universitarias

How to Cite

Albano, S., Barrea, L., Patriarca, A., Krapf, L. A., Serenelli, L., & Frey, W. (2019). Entrepreneurship and university education. Case: school of engineering. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 30(58 may-oct), 205–240. https://doi.org/10.33255/3058/316


For the purpose of including Entrepreneurship and Scientific and Technological Innovation in university education, the School of Engineering of unr has conducted a survey among professors, students and graduates of the Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineering careers, as well as among the businesspeople related to the School. In a previous stage, people in charge of each of these careers had been interviewed. Surveys were conducted via email, while students were surveyed in person. Conclusions of vital importance were reached to achieve the insertion of Entrepreneurship as a subject in the curricula. Professors’ seniority was very important to determine their affinity with Entrepreneurship; as their teaching methodology determines the creative ability of their students. Likewise, the input from graduates and businesspeople was vital to endorse the importance of this subject.
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