In this paper we focus on scientific evaluation and analyze the effective and possible ways of hierarchizing knowledge mobilization. Then, we ask ourselves: How are knowledge transfer and/or mobilization activities measured, and what weight do these activities have over the total of legitimate research work at the time of evaluation? Taking as an empirical basis a corpus of evaluation grids of the Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET) of Argentina from the year 2020 with which candidates for admission to the Scientific Researcher Career (CIC) of four evaluation commissions were assessed: Physics, Biology, Social Sciences and Technological and Social Development, the objective is to show in a comparative way the relative weight that each commission assigns to the different dimensions with which the scientific-technological trajectory of an applicant is evaluated, emphasizing the forms adopted by the evaluation of knowledge mobilization. The article shows that the problem of measurement occurs at two levels and problematizes its implications: firstly, the low relative weight of this type of activities in the overall evaluation of a career and, secondly, the difficulty in defining what is understood or recognized as legitimate when evaluating the mobilization of knowledge.
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