Num. 3 (June 2019)

Cover Number 3. Vertical rectangular cover with full-page photograph. Color photograph; extreme close-up of a molded letter E, uppercase letterpress in 3 dimensions, made with the filigree technique on paper. It is located on a smooth surface, resembling a worktable. The shot is at a high angle, from the base of the molded letter, so only part of it is visible. Within the edges of the letter are scrolls of green, ochre, and red paper. The photograph is taken with a wide-angle lens, minimal depth of field, focus on the scrolls at the top of the letter, the bottom out of focus. The lighting creates areas of greater brightness, above, and shadow towards the lower edge, giving a sense of volume and depth to the image. In the upper left corner is the logo of the Magazine, towards the left a square of burgundy color, with rounded corners. In the lower right corner stands out a cut-out drawing that retains a small interior line. There are three overlapping circles resembling a flower or a clover. This image is representative of a theoretical option that seeks to move away from binary schemes, to think about the bond, even, as a thirdness. On the left side in uppercase white letters, you can read the word Education, below, the symbol 'et' and the word bonds. In smaller font size, you can read Journal of interdisciplinary studies in Education. In the lower left corner, the number and other data of this edition.
Published: 2018-02-13


Articles. Educación, salud mental y formación docente

  • The research in education training and the initial level challenge

    Silvia Baldivieso, María Constanza Valdez
    10 - 24
  • The challenge of inhabiting new spaces: possible interventions between health and education

    Brenda Fercher, Claudio E. Guantay Lagoria
    25 - 36
  • Professionals teachers. The didactic training to the teaching excersice at the superior level

    Silvio Damián Saravia
    37 - 52

Reviews. Educación y Vínculos’ library

  • Re think psychopedagogical practices and interventions in the perspective of rights About: Miradas hacia la educación inclusiva: II Jornadas de Educación y Psicopedagogía, by Norma Filidoro et al. (comp.). Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 2018.

    Bárbara Natalia Pereyra
    54 - 56

Special section. Conversations for a decentralized feminism

  • Intersecciones entre los géneros y los afectos. Entrevista a María Laura Gutiérrez

    Facundo Ternavasio, Mariana Saint Paul
    58 - 68

Interviews. Teachers and their teachers

  • Caletti: «Otra salida de la dictadura militar fue la intervención mediante la escritura». Entrevista a Sergio Caletti

    Juan Pablo Gauna
    70 - 77

Dossier. Apuntes sobre una experiencia de formación

  • Scenes of game and conversation

    Eda Carina Muñoz
    80 - 100
  • Metaphors to feel-think pedagogical accompaniment

    Leticia Costa
    101 - 107
  • Forwarding of supervision, between psychoanalysis and pedagogy

    Norma Barbagelata
    108 - 117
  • Possible trials between education and mental health from pedagogical counselling in secondary school

    Marina Chaves
    118 - 125
  • School and teaching work: working conditions, organizational structure, transmission of knowledge and co-construction with students

    Octavio Falconi
    126 - 140


  • Formación, interdisciplina, juego y territorio

    Melina Albornoz
    142 - 144
  • Sobre la práctica de la enseñanza y modos de poner el cuerpo en escena

    Pablo Albornoz
    145 - 147
  • Reflexiones acerca de la escucha

    Gastón Baldomir
    148 - 150
  • Puntuaciones metodológicas de una experiencia

    Paola Casco
    151 - 153
  • Sobre el valor de la escucha en la formación

    Karen Gareis
    154 - 156
  • Juego y grupalidad

    Camila Montesino Mársico
    157 - 159
  • El recreo, la pelota y el cuidado del otro

    José Martín Turriani
    160 - 162