To think of new ways to be together in the educational institutions

About: Formación de educadores para la inclusión educativa. Posiciones, miradas, recorridos y experiencias de Vanesa Casal y María José Néspolo (comps.). Buenos Aires: Lugar Editorial, 2019.


  • María Inés Monzani Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina


Education, educational inclusion, special education, subjects, teaching practices


The book is a compilation by Casal and Néspolo, which brings together the work of specialists in the field of educational inclusion. It draws a novel territory in which theories and practices meet, offered outside the application of recipes, as well as a theoretical knowledge difficult to manipulate in the classroom. In such a territory, educational inclusion can be thought at the same time and beyond the didactic task and certain curricular and access particularities that help to make room. A hospitable territory to think, do and offer new ways to inhabit educational institutions.


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Author Biography

María Inés Monzani, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctora en Educación Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (UNER). Licenciada en Ciencias de la Educación FFL-UBA. Profesora Adjunta de la cátedra Educación y Discapacidades FFL-UBA.



How to Cite

Monzani, M. I. (2020). To think of new ways to be together in the educational institutions: About: Formación de educadores para la inclusión educativa. Posiciones, miradas, recorridos y experiencias de Vanesa Casal y María José Néspolo (comps.). Buenos Aires: Lugar Editorial, 2019. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 1(5), [ 138 – 144 ]. Retrieved from



Reseñas. La biblioteca de Educación y Vínculos