The The educational research-intervention. A exhortation and alteration of the conventional in and from contemporany life

Conceptual and methodological precepts on educational intervention


  • Teresa de Jesús Negrete Arteaga Universidad Pedagógica Nacional, México



educational intervention, educational research, urgency, experience, situational education


This article is a rewriting of conceptual and methodological[i] precepts being part of the educational research-intervention. It evokes what has been stated in other places and spaces, and now involves an impact and a reiteration multiplying possible meanings from the beginning of the large-scale events experienced in recent years due to the pandemic by Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19).

The call issued at other times can be heard now more clearly, not only as a claim from the place where it was said, but from the resonance showing something that appeal us to think about at the now.

In a certain way the reiteration is a celebration, because writing makes text by the remission of marks and traces; it is a giving to read and rewrite, after Jacques Derrida (1998). Now we commemorate the tenth issue of the magazine educación Et vínculos held by the Faculty of Education Sciences of the UNER, Argentina. In Mexico, the National Pedagogical University celebrates the 20th anniversary of the Bachelor's Degree in Educational Intervention.


[i] Some of the aspects here exposed were presented at the Keynote Lecture at the II International Congress of Educational Intervention held from June 8 to 10, 2017, in the City of Puebla, Mexico.


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How to Cite

Negrete Arteaga, T. de J. (2022). The The educational research-intervention. A exhortation and alteration of the conventional in and from contemporany life: Conceptual and methodological precepts on educational intervention. Educación Y Vínculos. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Education, 21–36.



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