The case method in the training of the landscape and urban designers
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Learning Assessment
Case Method
Authentic Assessment
Study method

How to Cite

Di Matteo, M. F. (2015). The case method in the training of the landscape and urban designers. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 26(51), 174–196. Retrieved from


This article presents the results of a research carried out on a proposal for teaching and learning assessment of a course of Geography for the professional training of designers of the landscape and urban planning based on the use of the case method. It also discusses the relationship between the didactic strategy adopted and modalities of studies of students. We take into account perspectives, teaching and student. The design and development of the class takes a geographical approach that take advantage of social conflicts in specific spaces and conceives a profession that takes into account the different perspectives of those who make use of the space. We emphasize coherence between teaching and learning assessment; the case method has a central role and takes real cases as a resource, generating motivation and approach to the profession. In the context, we recognize that the modality of study focused on applying concepts to possible situations of professional practice. 

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