Precautonary Philosophy as an Ordering Axis for sts Education
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Precaution Principle
STS Education

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Giri, L. A. (2019). Precautonary Philosophy as an Ordering Axis for sts Education. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 30(58 may-oct), 241–266.


In this work we provide, coping with the thematic complexity in the transdisciplinary domain known as Science-Technology & Society (sts), an ordering axis capable of providing
foundation for a curricular space as the one proposed in Ciudad de Buenos Aires under the name «Scientific Problems with Social Impact». Such an ordering axis is surrounded by
a number of topics of philosophical importance triggered by the premise known as Precaution Principle, topics relevant for educating citizens. The analysis of such topics constitute
a program of investigation which we will call «Precautionary Philosophy». We will analyze the suitability of Ciudad de Buenos Aires’ proposal and show how our axis can accomplish
the requirements demanded by its Education Ministry. We will also evaluate the theoretical framework used by the Ministry in the curricular space’s foundation and show how the Precautionary Philosophy is compatible and even improves such framework.
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