Science Teachers and the Program “Conectar Igualdad” in the City of Córdoba (Argentina)
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Model 1
Connecting Equality Program
Teaching Practices
Science Education

How to Cite

Occelli, M., & Garcia Romano, L. (2018). Science Teachers and the Program “Conectar Igualdad” in the City of Córdoba (Argentina). Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 29(56 may-oct), 109–130.


In the framework of the program “Conectar Igualdad” (Connecting Equality Program) we proposed to inquire about the way in which science teachers use ICT in their everyday life; about their perceptions related to the presence of netbooks in the classrooms; about the way they use netbooks in their educational practices and about their expectations. For these purposes, we implemented different research strategies which included two types of questionnaires and interviews to be answered by secondary school teachers in the city of Cordoba (Argentina).Based on the results obtained, we found that teachers integrate ICT in their everyday lives. They stated that the presence of these technologies in the classroom generates problematic situations but they also identify them as positive tools which create new opportunities. Even though most teachers integrate technologies in their practices poorly, we detected practices oriented to a deeper integration that would allow "thinking-with" technology.
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