Experiences in the use of ICT. Analysis of teachers’ narratives
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experience narrative
good practices

How to Cite

Cariaga, R. (2018). Experiences in the use of ICT. Analysis of teachers’ narratives. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 29(56 may-oct), 131–155. https://doi.org/10.33255/2956/332


This work aims to produce knowledge about ICT mediated education from a contextualized approach, with emphasis on the experiences of teachers and their practices. This study is based on tools of qualitative interpretive research from an ethnographic perspective: external observation and experience narrative. The paper proposes an analysis of the narrations from two complementary dimensions: the notion of experience and good educational practices with ICT. The results show that the experiences with ICT have been very diverse. In some of the narratives the trace of the experience is observed in the constructed "pedagogical knowledge”. In others, it can be noticed that the subjects have 'suffered' the experience and have made their own transformation more difficult. It is concluded that some teachers have implemented favorable changes in their practices in key aspects; others, however, have revealed traditional practices in which ICTs are only used to support old ways of teaching.

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