The sense of the living: between biological inspiration and new ways of being
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STUBRIN, L. (2021). The sense of the living: between biological inspiration and new ways of being. Ciencia, Docencia Y Tecnología, 32(63 (set-dic).


The socio-technical context has led to the evolution of experimentation on the living, transcending the fields of the laboratory and establishing unknown interdisciplinary working methods. Likewise, hybrid objects/subjects appear on the scene and claim a precise reading of their nature where the boundary between the natural and the artificial is not easy to establish. In this sense, biosemiotics is another theoretical tool from which to research the ways of biological production of meaning. From the analysis of expressions typical of bioart and scientific innovations within the field of biotechnology, biorobotics and related disciplines, it will seek to reconstruct the framework of practices, materialities and epistemological objectives that coexist in between the art-science universe of the last decades.
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